
The term Map is an abstraction used to describe any kind of image or two dimensional array of data loaded in EBSD-Image. By definition, a map has a specified width and height and contains an array of values (pixels). Different type of maps exist depending on the type of values stored in them.

RML-Image and EBSD-Image define various types of map, each of them having their own distinctive features and purposes. The user should get familiar with these types of map since the distinctions between them is the core of this image analysis software.

Map Type of pixel Uses
BinMap (Binary map) Binary (0 or 1) Thresholding, masks
ByteMap (Byte map) 8-bit (0 to 255) Greyscale images
IdentMap (Identification map) 16-bit (0 to 65534) Objects map
RGBMap (Color map) 24-bit Any color image
PhaseMap (Phase map) 8-bit (0 to 255) Identify phases in EBSD acquisition
ErrorMap (Error map) 8-bit (0 to 255) Report error(s) occured during the processing of diffraction patterns
RealMap (Real map) 32-bit float Store real values in a map
HoughMap (Hough map) 8 bit (0 to 255) Map resulting from the Hough transform
MultiMap (Multimap) N/A Aggregate of other maps all having the same dimensions
EbsdMMap (EBSD multimap) N/A A multimap with extra features for EBSD
HklMMap (HKL Channel 5) N/A An EBSD multimap adapted for HKL Channel 5 mappings
TslMMap (TSL OIM) N/A An EBSD multimap adapted for TSL OIM mappings