Main toolbarΒΆ

The main tool bar holds icons for the most often used imaging functions in EBSD-Image.

Icon Operation Description
open Open Shows a File dialog that allows for the user to select files to load on the desktop. Same as File-Open.
reload Reload Reload the selected map from the disk. Same as File-Reload.
save Save Saves the selected map to disk with its default name. Same as File-Save.
saveas Save As Saves the selected map to disk with a user specified name. Same as File-Save As.
close Close Closes the selected map. Same as File-Close.
closeall Close All Closes all the maps. Save as File-Close All.
undo Undo Undoes the last operation. Same as Edit-Undo.
histogram Histogram Shows or hides the histogram of the selected map. Same as View-Histogram.
threshold Thresholding Shows the panel for manual thresholding of the selected map. For a PhaseMap, thresholding is used to select one phase. Same as Threshold-Manual.
erosion Erosion Turns OFF any ON pixel that has some OFF neighbors. Same as MathMorph-Erosion.
dilation Dilation Turns ON any OFF pixel that has some ON neighbors. Same as MathMorph-Dilation.
opening Opening Does an erosion followed by a dilation. Same as MathMorph-Opening.
closing Closing Does a dilation followed by an erosion. Same as MathMorph-Closing.
invert Invert Inverts the value of every pixel. Same as MathMorph-Invert.
mapmath Map Math Does different types of mathematical operations on maps. Same as MapMath-Math.
fillholes Fill Holes Fills the holes in objects. Same as MathMorph-Fill Holes.
grid Grid Creates a grid. Same as Utilities-Grid.
qcoverlay QC Overlay Will overlay the selected BinMap directly on the specified ByteMap. Same as Utilities-QC Overlay.
qcoutline QC Outline Will overlay the selected BinMap outline directly on the specified ByteMap. Same as Utilities-QC Outline.
identify Identify Identifies groups of touching pixels as part of the same object. Same as Analysis-Identify.
measure Measure Measure the size, aspect ratio, centroid of the object in an IdentMap. Save as Analysis-Measure.
saveresults Save Results Saves the results calculated to file. Same as Analysis-Save Measurements.
scaletofit Scale to Fit Adjusts the display scaling factor for the map to entirely fit in the window. Same as View-Scale to Fit.
nozoom No Zoom Adjusts the display scaling factor for the map to 100%. Same as View-No Zoom.