Distributed interface


The EBSD analysis requires computer-intensive calculations, such as the Hough transform, to be performed on tens of thousands of images. With the current quest for the fastest acquisition camera, the number of diffraction patterns to analyze for a given mapping will keep on increasing, thus requiring more and more computing power. If one wants to benefit from more elaborate, but perhaps slower algorithms to analyze these diffraction patterns, processing large quantities of data can easily become a problem, or at the very least a limitation. Distributed computing on a grid or cluster of computers can be a solution to this problem. A distributed system consists of several processors connected together via an internal network. A program can either use several processors simultaneously (parallel computing) or be run on several processors independently (distributed computing). The latter is particularly well fitted for EBSD analysis since each diffraction pattern is completely independent from the others. The processing of a diffraction pattern does not require knowledge of the other diffraction patterns in the mapping. The same set of algorithms can be independently applied on each individual diffraction pattern and the results combined only at the end. The main advantage to this kind of system is that the time required to analyze a series of diffraction patterns can be reduced by a factor approximately equal to the number of processors used. An analysis that would take two hours on a single processor computer can be reduced to ten minutes if a distributed system of twelve processors is used.

To facilitate the use of such a system, special routines were developed in EBSD-Image. The distributed interface of EBSD-Image requires the same inputs as the graphical interface, a SMP file and a series of operations. As such, we encourage the user to use the graphical interface to create the SMP file from the acquired stored EBSPs and to set-up the experiment file. The output of the distributed interface is also the same as the graphical interface, an EbsdMMap saved in a ZIP which can later be opened inside the graphical interface.

To accommodate different types of distributed systems, the distributed interface consists of three main programs. They perform the following tasks:

  • split the diffraction patterns and the experiment set-up file for each processor
  • run the analysis on each processor
  • merge the results into a single output.

The first task is necessary to give each processor a unique set of diffraction patterns. Technically, the single SMP file is split into smaller SMP files. If all the processors were loading the diffraction patterns from the same SMP file, this could create concurrency problems and slow down the analysis. The experiment set-up file is automatically adjusted to tell each processor which SMP file to use and which diffraction patterns to analyze. The result of this first task is a series of completely independent experiments. Each experiment is then run in the analysis engine on different processors. An EbsdMMap is created for each experiment. Once the analysis of all the experiments is completed, the results are merged by combining the pixels from the different EbsdMMap’s. The following diagram summarizes the operation of the distributed interface:


Operation diagram of the distributed interface.

This implementation was successfully tested on the computing cluster of the Hydro-Québec Research Institute which consists of 1000 processors (AMD Opteron 2218 processor, 8 Gb of RAM memory per processor, Linux Centos 4.4 operating system, Sun Grid Engine nodes management system). The results presented in the following chapter on the applications of EBSD-Image were all calculated using this cluster.

How to?

  1. Follow the instructions to setup the Java class path (1 to 3, inclusive) of How to run an experiment from the command line.

  2. Create an experiment using the wizard inside the graphical interface

  3. In the last page of the wizard, the output page, select Save to XML instead of running the experiment.

  4. Copy this XML file and the SMP file containing the diffraction patterns to a folder on the main node of your computing grid.

  5. The next step is to split the experiment and SMP file into smaller experiments and SMP files. Each “split” experiment will be run on one processor. In the folder where you copied the XML and SMP file, run the following command:

    java org.ebsdimage.cui.ExpSplit -d run1 -s 50 exp.xml

    This command will split the experiment’s XML file (exp.xml) into 50 smaller experiments. The files will be placed in the run1 folder inside the current directory.

  6. If you browse the run1 directory, you will find 50 folders each containing one XML and one SMP file. Using the following command, you can start the execution of the first “split” experiment (e.g. exp_1.xml):

    java org.ebsdimage.cui.ExpRun exp_1.xml

    Depending on your distributed computing system, this command will probably be part of a large script to assign it to a processor on the grid. Also, this command should be part of a batch file to start the execution of all “split” experiment in the folder run1.

  7. When the execution of all the “split” experiments is completed, run the following command to merge the EbsdMMap’s:

    java org.ebsdimage.cui.ExpMerge -o exp.zip run1

    assuming you run this command in the directory when the original XML and SMP file are located. This command will merge all the ZIP files inside the folder run1 and saves the result in exp.zip.

  1. The final EbsdMMap can be open inside EBSD-Image where the results can be analyzed.